"!Using examples from at least three different scenes, discuss the use of humour in the play."
" "
"Select quickly the examples you want to use. Try to get a range of types of humour - don't just refer to Launcelot, for instance. Notice that 'at least' means that you may (and probably should!) give more if possible."
" "
"- Introduction"
" - Humour caused by situation e.g. dramatic irony"
" - Humour of language e.g. puns, misuse of words"
" "
"- Launcelot with his father and Bassanio"
" - joke played on old Gobbo"
" - deliberate jokes by Launcelot e.g. 'Do I look like a prop?'"
" - accidental misude of words e.g. 'devil incarnation'"
" "
"- Launcelot with Jessica and Lorenzo"
" - puns and more deliberate word-play e.g. 'bastard hope'"
" - deliberate misunderstanding e.g. of 'cover'"
" "
"- Trial Scene"
" - dramatic irony, B & G comment about their wives"
" - Gratiano's puns e.g. sole/soul"
" "
"- The Ring Episode"
" - dramatic irony again, B and G are teased by wives"
" - Portia and Nerissa's wit in extending the joke"
" - play finishes with Gratiano's joke with sexual flavour."